Monday, November 1, 2010

6 Tips to Six Pack Abs

Everyone wants an awesome physique and one of the most desired areas of physical improvement is the midsection. However, many people go through attempting to sculpt those athletic 6-packs the wrong way. Here are 6 easy tips for you realize that dream of having a flatter stomach:
1. Develop the “right attitude” and approach. Fat loss is challenging and is definitely something that doesn’t happen overnight. Eliminating fatty tissue from the midsection is the most vital aspect in achieving a leaner stomach. Often, people think that they are able to develop a flat stomach just by training in the gym, performing plenty of ab work and not address other aspects of life such as adequate sleep, nutrition, rest & etc. These are individuals who haven’t established the right mindset yet. Serious attitude coupled with serious application will produce results.
2. Eat clean for lean abs. You can never enjoy the best of both worlds - Eating anything you want and having the body you desire. Eat lots of lean meat like turkey breast, lean beef and skinless chicken breasts. Try to cut down on your dairy intake. Go green! You really don’t have to fear fat. Pick health fat options like salmon, organic peanut butter and nuts. Never go on ‘a diet’ nor starve yourself. Those can be counterproductive!
3. Increase your intake of fish oil supplements. Combine fish oil supplements with fitness training. This will help you burn fat more efficiently. Fish oil enhances insulin resistance. Omega 3, an element found in fish oils, is believed to enhance insulin sensitivity which could lead to lesser fat storage and improved fat release.
4. Try to get away from liquid calories. Liquid calories may be convenient and easy to consume but would not definitely please your waistline. Try to avoid milk, sodas and fruit juices. You may have to avoid all the beer and booze as well.
5. Try to train metabolically and not aerobically. Create a form of metabolic disturbance by doing high intensity anaerobic exercises such as Fitness Boot Camp, circuit training, interval training, moderate resistance training or sprinting.
6. Establish athletic abdominal exercises/routines for stronger six pack abs. Include exercises that help improve your spine’s mobility and other anti rotational exercises like barbell overhead squats and y-squats.

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