Monday, November 8, 2010

What is in Your Refrigerator?

You may have great intentions when it comes to eating healthy, but even the best of intentions can be thwarted if what you have in your refrigerator doesn’t equate to where you are wanting to be.
The biggest challenge people face when it comes to health and wellness, believe it or not, is not exercise. It truly is eating. We are bombarded everywhere by choices of what types of food we put in our shopping cart and carry home. Even just driving to the grocery store, you will most likely pass many food venues where a quick jaunt can potentially have you choosing unhealthy options.
Life is really all about choices and if we choose in the grocery store to pick healthy foods, this is setting us up for success when we are at home. However, if we choose processed foods, we will then be left with unhealthy options in our fridge.
If you really want to be successful at health, then you need to set up your surroundings to accommodate your intentions. Without careful consideration into the food you bring in to your home, you can quite easily veer off your goal. It really is a slippery slope that can bring you down that direction.
Sometimes people have the misconception that purchasing healthy foods are more expensive than prepackaged or fast food. But this is not the case. It actually costs less as long as you know how to shop. You need to be smart and get fruits and vegetables that are in season. These are reasonably priced and so very healthy for you. It is really just a matter of being smart and taking the time to seek out these foods. You will also save money in the long run because eating healthy will lead to a healthier body and with that, less medical costs down the road.
When choosing healthy foods, you will need to make at least two trips to the store because when you purchase fresh whole foods, they do not last beyond a few days. So it does take some thinking and planning, but when it comes to your health, a little thought can go a long way.

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